Frequently Asked Questions

How much sod is in a pallet and how much does it weigh?
Each pallet of sod covers 450 square feet. It has approximately 170 pieces of sod stacked on the pallet. The pieces are 12 inches by 24 inches. Each pallet weighs approximately 2,000-3,000 lbs.

Can you deliver sod to me?
Fulton Grass harvests and delivers sod daily with our fleet of delivery trucks. The best part is that every truck is equipped with a forklift that can drop the sod wherever you need it (as long as the forklift can get there).
Delivery and forklift charges range from $100 to $600 depending on location. Our trucks deliver within a 150-mile radius of the farm, and we only deliver 10 pallets or more. For orders over 150 miles, we obtain outside freight quotes.

What is the lead time to order and receive sod?
Sod is cut fresh to order. If you are looking for sod to be delivered, please call 4-5 days ahead. If you wish to pick up sod at the farm, please call at least 1-2 days ahead. *Weather permitting.
Sod pick up is by appointment only. Pick up hours are Monday-Thursday 1-4 p.m. and Friday 11-4 p.m.

What time of year is best to install sod?
One of the many advantages of sod is that you can successfully install it and grow it throughout the year as long as the ground is not frozen, and you have sufficient water to get it well rooted. Sod especially loves cool temperatures and frequent rain during Spring and Fall. Summer can be hot and dry; be sure to water deeply and thoroughly in the morning and afternoon. In the colder months, the grass is dormant and will look brown. You won't have to water as much during this time.

Is there a guarantee on my sod?
We, at Fulton Grass, guarantee your sod will be delivered in good, sustainable, and healthy condition. Sod is a perishable item. We must be notified within 24 hours of delivery if you are not satisfied. If you have any questions or concerns about your new sod, please contact us within that 24-hour window. Since we have no control over installation methods, watering, existing soil conditions, insects, weather, or sod left on the pallet past day of delivery, our liability terminates upon the customer’s acceptance of the product.